Kotak Select Focus Fund

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| Scheme Information Document as under

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| Kotak Select Focus
The Scheme
Kotak Select Focus Fund an open-ended equity scheme
Investment Objective
The investment objective of the scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation from a portfolio of equity and equity related securities, generally focused on a few selected sectors.
Suitable For
Investors who seek capital appreciation from a portfolio of equity instruments, generally concentrated in a few sectors.
NFO Period
July 22, 2009 (Wednesday) to August 20, 2009 (Thursday).
Minimum Investment
Purchases : Rs. 5000/- and in multiple of Re.1. Switches : Rs. 5000/- and in multiple of Re. 0.01
Growth and Dividend (Payout and Reinvestment).
SIP / SWP/ STP Facilities
| Not Available during New Fund Offer period
Load Structure
Entry Load:
- Nil for "all direct" applications received by AMC i.e. on application forms that are not routed through any distributor/ agent/ broker and submitted to AMC office or collection centre/ investment service centre. This benefit shall be available to additional purchases done directly by the investor under the same folio and switch into this scheme from other scheme if such transaction is done directly by the investor
- For Amounts < 5 crores : 2.25%
- For Amounts >= 5 crores : Nil
Exit Load:
- For exit within 2 year from the date of allotment for amounts < 5 crores: 1.00%
- For exit on or after 2 years from the date of allotment: Nil
- For exit within 182 days from the date of allotment for amounts >= 5 crores: Nil
- For exit on or after 182 days from the date of allotment for amounts >= 5 crores: Nil
Cheques / Drafts to favour
| Kotak Select Focus Fund
| S & P CNX Nifty
Fund Managers
| Mr. Krishna Sanghvi, Mr. Emmanuel Elango and Mr. Abhishek Bisen
Where to submit NFO applications
Equity Schemes
Debt Schemes
Balanced Schemes
FOF Schemes
ETF Schemes
Kotak 30
Kotak Midcap
Kotak Opportunities
Kotak Lifestyle
Kotak Contra
Kotak Tax Saver
Kotak Equity Arbitrage Fund
Kotak Emerging Equity Scheme
Kotak Global Emerging Market
Kotak Indo World Infrastructure
Kotak Select Focus Fund
Kotak Starkid Facility
Kotak Income Plus
Kotak Gilt Savings
Kotak Equity FOF
Kotak Flexi FOF Series I
Kotak Flexi FOF Series II
Kotak Gold ETF
Kotak PSU Bank ETF
Kotak Sensex ETF
Distributor Services
Email Communication
Dear friend,
Kotak Select Focus Fund has an unique strategy.
It is placed in between a DIVERSIFIED FUND & A SECTOR FUND.
A Diversified Equity Fund such as HDFC Equity or Franklin Blue Chip distributes the money across ALL sectors, typically 16 to 18 sectors of economy.
Whereas a Sector Fund puts all the money in companies engaged in only a few or a single sector e.g. Birla MNC, Franklin Pharma etc.
Each sector has its own life cycle. e.g Pharma did well compared to others when economy was down last year while IT shares did well last quarter. Being concentrated they swing a lot and produce yields of significant nature on +ve or _ve side depending on situation. When +ve, their performance is better than a Diversified MF.
Kotak Select Focus will have THE BEST OF BOTH Worlds, by selecting few sectors expected to perform better.
On 10th June 2006 On 10th June 2009
Invested Rs. 1,00,000 in the SENSEX Grows to Rs 1,57,507 which is a CAGR of 16.35%
Invested Rs. 1,00,000 in 4 sectoral indices (BSE
Capital goods, BSE BANKEX, BSE Oil & Gas &
BSE Power) in equal proportions.
Grows to Rs 2,03,486 which is a CAGR of 26.72%*
The expertise lies in identifying these winning sectors
*Average of the 3 year CAGR of the 4 sectoral indices returns (BSE Capital goods, BSE BANKEX, BSE Oil
& Gas & BSE Power). Indices weightage is in equal proportion.
There will be 8 experts to manage this fund in stead of 2 maxm. generally.
Their study of individual sector will be pulled together.
Kindly go thru' the attachments.
With best wishes wealth4u