

In the investment world, one name stands apart. Fidelity. We believe it's what lies beneath that keeps us at the helm - an absolute dedication to building our customers' wealth, underpinned by a passion for 'bottom-up' stock picking. The bedrock of Fidelity's investment process is Research. We choose stocks entirely for their core strengths and base our selection on in-depth research made possible by an unrivalled team of analysts monitoring investment opportunities around the clock, across the world. The reason for this is straightforward. We believe the trust our customers place in us deserves investment decisions based on fact, not fashion. Some Fidelity Facts
Fidelity's 'bottom-up' research approach is very well suited for equity investing. We have been managing equities worldwide for the past decades. Fidelity India Key Equity Funds at a glance Fidelity has just launched its 6th equity fund in India: FIDELITY INDIA VALUE FUND. The fund will be managed by Nitin Bajaj, who currently also manages Fidelity India Special Situations Fund and has delivered exceptional returns since he took over the fund. Value Investing in a Growth Economy. Really? India and growth are synonymous. No surprise there, right? So, where does the Value story fit in? Value investors pick unloved stocks, at a significant discount to their underlying value, and hold them until their true value is realised. Over the last ten years, Value has outperformed Growth in developed and emerging markets, including India - where economic growth tends to be high: So the fact is that Value opportunities exist in any economy, including India. However, the challenge is finding a skillful investor to uncover these hidden gems. Enter Fidelity. FIDELITY INDIA VALUE FUND - looking for Valuation Anomalies
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1Source for investment professionals: FMR LLC., Pyramis Global Advisors, FIL, as of June 30, 2009. Investment professionals include division management, portfolio managers, traders, research analysts and research associates. Ranking Methodology for ICRA Award: Fidelity Tax Advantage Fund has been ranked as a Seven Star Fund in the category of 'Open Ended Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS)' schemes for its 1 year performance till December 31, 2008. The rank is an outcome of an objective and comparative analysis against various parameters, including: risk adjusted return, fund size, company concentration, portfolio turnover and liquidity. The ranking methodology did not take into account entry and exit loads imposed by the Fund. There were 17 schemes considered in 'Open Ended Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS)' category for the ranking exercise. The rank is neither a certificate of statutory compliance nor any guarantee on the future performance of Fidelity Tax Advantage Fund. CRISIL CPR-1 Ranking Source: CRISIL Fund Services, CRISIL Limited. Ranking methodology: The composite performance of Fidelity Tax Advantage Fund Scheme is "Very Good" in the Open Equity Linked Saving Schemes Category, and ranks within the Top 10% of the 25 schemes ranked in this category. The criteria used in computing the CRISIL Composite Performance Rank are Superior Return Score, based on NAVs over the 2-year period ended September 30, 2009, Concentration and Liquidity of the scheme. The methodology does not take into account the entry and exit loads levied by the scheme. The CRISIL CPR is no indication of the performance that can be expected from the scheme in future. Scheme classification & investment objective: FEF is an open ended equity growth scheme with an objective to generate long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities. FTAF is an open ended equity linked savings scheme with an objective to generate long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities. FISSF is an open ended equity growth scheme with an objective to generate long-term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity-related securities including equity derivatives. Loads. Exit load: For FEF and FISSF: For Redemption within 1 year from the date of allotment or Purchase applying First in First Out basis: 1.00%. A switch-out or a withdrawal under SWP or a transfer under STP may also attract an Exit Load like any Redemption. No Exit Load/CDSC will be chargeable in case of switches made between different options of the Scheme. For FTAF: Nil. The units allotted under FTAF have a lock-in period of 3 years from the allotment date. No Exit loads will be chargeable in case of; (i) Units allotted on account of dividend re -investment; and (ii) Units issued by way of bonus, if any. Fidelity India Value Fund. Scheme Classification: An open - ended equity growth scheme Investment Objective: To generate long-term capital appreciation from a diversified portfolio of predominantly equity and equity related securities, in the Indian markets with higher focus on undervalued securities. The Scheme could also additionally invest in Foreign Securities in international markets ▪ Normal Asset Allocation: Equity and equity related securities: a) Indian equity securities:80%-100%; b)Foreign securities including overseas ETFs (as permitted by SEBI/RBI:0%-10;Debt Securities, Money Market Instruments, Cash and domestic ETFs: 0- 20%.Terms of issue: Units of Rs. 10 per unit for cash during the new fund offer and at applicable NAV thereafter. Minimum initial application amount: Rs. 5,000 per application. Minimum redemption amount/units: Rs. 1,000 or 100 Units. Statement of Additional Information, Scheme Information Document, Key Information Memorandum and Application Forms will be available at the ISCs/distributors' offices. General Services: Investors can contact us at the toll-free number "1800-2000-600". NAVs will be calculated on every business day and published in two daily newspapers on all business days. Redemption on all business days. Loads – Exit Load: For redemption within 1 year from the date of allotment or purchase applying First in First Out basis – 1.00%. A switch-out or a withdrawal under SWP or a transfer under STP may also attract an Exit Load / CDSC like any Redemption. No Entry / Exit Loads / CDSC will be chargeable in case of switches made between different options of the Scheme. No Exit Load will be chargeable in case of redemption of; (i) Units allotted on account of dividend re-investments; and (ii) Units issued by way of bonus, if any. Risk factors: • Mutual funds, like securities investments, are subject to market risks and there is no guarantee against loss in the Scheme or that the Scheme's objectives will be achieved. • As with any investment in securities, the NAV of the Units issued under the Scheme can go up or down depending on various factors and forces affecting capital markets. • Past performance of the Sponsor/the AMC/the Mutual Fund does not indicate the future performance of the Scheme. FTAF is the name of the Scheme, and this does not in any manner indicate the quality of the Scheme, its future prospects or returns. • Units issued under the Scheme will not be redeemed until the expiry of 3 years from the date of their allotment, thus restricting the ability to realise returns on such investments for the first 3 years. The Scheme shall be subject to the risks associated with the instruments in which it invests. Investments in the Scheme will be affected by trading volumes, settlement periods, volatility, price fluctuations, inability to sell securities, disinvestment of holdings of any unlisted stocks prior to target date of disinvestment, credit risk and interest rate risk. FEF ,FIVF and FISS are the names of the schemes and shall be subject to the risks associated with the instruments in which they invest. Investments in the schemes will be affected by trading volumes, settlement periods, volatility, price fluctuations, inability to sell securities, disinvestment of holdings of any unlisted stocks prior to target date of disinvestment, credit risk and interest rate risk. • Please read the Scheme Information Document and Statement of Additional Information before investing. Statutory: Fidelity Mutual Fund ('the Fund') has been established as a trust under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, by FIL Investment Advisors (liability restricted to Rs. 1Lakh). FIL Trustee Company Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, with a limited liability is the Trustee to the Fund. FIL FundManagement Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, with a limited liability is the Investment Manager to the Fund. Fidelity, Fidelity International and Pyramid Logo are trademarks of FIL Limited. Fidelity means FIL Limited, established in Bermuda, and FMR LLP., established in the United States, and their respective subsidiary companies and affiliates. | ||